Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Daily Review #2: My friend Rónán's pink GameBoy Advance

"It's pronounced row (as in a boat) non (as in 'nonsense', like this blog"

Friends. Sometimes we meet people in our lives that we become such good friends with that we ignore their flaws. We take them as they are, warts and all. That's what my Ma would say if she were still alive. Oh wait, she is. I can hear her banging on the ceiling. I guess keeping her in the attic all that time probably wasn't the best idea.
That's beside the point. The point is, I've been 'budz' with my bud Rónán since we both thought wrestling was real and showering was for pussies. As a result, I've been able to take his mistakes to heart. And then carefully push them down to the point where I respect him again. One of these, the subject of today's blog, is his lovely GameBoy Advance. Which is pink.

Yeah. Not pictured: His barbie collection. Not really, of course. Like every great embarassment, there is always a story. This one takes place in the far reaches of some bootleg market my friend visited as part of his holiday abroad. You know what I'm talking about: women buy handbag counterfeits, men buy those dirty lighters that make some pictured chick's breasts spin in a strangely erotic/disturbing manner. And kids, yes kids, they go straight for the gameboy 50-in-ones which annoyingly have 3 of each game, but arbitrarily have a unique title screen in the hope we won't notice that it's the same shitty tank battle game thats as broken as my left big toe. I'm not showing a pic of that.

Sorry for the story tangent. Anyway, My Buddy decided to get a GBA, this is when they were fairly new and pricy, and of course this one was dirt compared to the home cost. And it was the only one left. Oh yeah, and it was pink. So of course our hero has a dilemma on his hands: does he get the GBA, and become the envy of every kid on the street who was waiting till birthdays or christmas or an 'extort granny's pension with puppy eyes' weekend to get a gba, (myself included) or does he instead leave it because, you know, it's pink. That's how you get funny looks from other kids. Or get beaten up.

If you've been reading this blog you'll notice there is already a pic of it, so no points for guessing what Rónán decided to do with his holiday allowance. If you're just really stupid or your internet is 'borke', here is another pic just for clarification:

The bulgarian pokemon games alsos belong to Ró but that's another story. Anyway, to this day the legendary pink gameboy, and my much more masculine purple one, has had a place in our hearts that still shows itself every once and awhile when we play pokémon or something. Sometimes us and our gameboys get together for some retro fun too, but be warned: Don't leave a male gameboy and a female one alone together or you'll find yourself with some awkward moments.

Oh dear.

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